Audio & Video of each Session are listed at the bottom of the page.
A God for the Exhausted: We are often running on fumes and feeling overwhelmed by life. Is there another way to live in a performance-based culture that feeds on productivity? Through looking at various passages from the Scripture, Abby will invite us to ask this question: How could my life be different with the Lord as my Shepherd? As we look at the Scripture, we see our need to be cared for and how we were made to be shepherded by God. God promises to be our shepherd and our friend, but what kind of shepherd is he? We contrast Jesus to other “shepherds” who have mistreated and used us, who would ultimately drive us into the ground. When we let go, we find that Jesus is the one our hearts have been longing for. Only in his presence can we find rest for our exhausted souls.
Conference with Abby Hutto on February 24th-26th
Her theme for the weekend is “A God for the Exhausted.” Brad and Kyle got to hear Abby speak at a conference last year, and we are thrilled that our whole church community will get to hear from and be encouraged by her. Please make every effort to make this a part of your weekend in February!
Conference Schedule:
- Friday evening (2/24) will be for women only. We will meet at Grace from 6-8 pm for dinner and an opportunity to hear Abby speak on Mary and Martha. This will be a great time of encouragement and refreshment for your soul.
- Saturday evening (2/25) will be for everyone. We will meet at Grace from 5-7 pm. Abby will be exploring Psalm 23 and John 10 with us. Dinner and childcare for children ages 8 weeks - 6th grade will be provided.
- Sunday morning (2/26), Abby will be teaching Sunday school on Mary worshiping at the feet of Jesus.