If you would like to access the GPC App or online member directory for Grace Presbyterian Church, please email info@gracewoodlands.org for more information. Here is the process:
- Email us and let us know you would like access to the Directory. You'll get an invitation to join the Directory.
- Download the Church Center App. You can also use your web browser on your computer here. Once you do, you can open the app and go through the process of setting it up. You will also be able to search for GPC Woodlands. If you are close to the church, GPC Woodlands will appear as an option.
- Click on Directory and follow the instructions to get logged in.
- You determine what information is visible to other members of GPC. Only your name will be visible by default.
- You will be given an option to choose what information is visible to members at Grace. The Directory is not available for people who aren't members of GPC.
- Questions? Email info@gracewoodlands.org, and we will help you get started!