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Sunday Worship: 10:30a


We believe God has created us with a profound need and design for community. As Christians, that compels us to live in community with one-another 'doing life' together while striving to learn and apply God's word. It also compels us to live outwardly in our various local, professional, national, and global communities.

To help facilitate a setting for these gospel-centered communities to form, we provide an array of small groups that we call community groups (CGs) led by members of Grace Presbyterian Church that meet throughout the Woodlands area and on various nights of the week in people's homes. These groups are the heartbeat in many ways of Grace and we hope you'll consider joining one (information below).


Community groups have a common goal but can look very different from group to group. Some groups are "age and stage", some are focused on getting to know one another, and others spend time discussing the sermon each week. Community groups are an excellent way to connect with your family at Grace. Please contact the church office and one of our pastors will talk with you about which community group might be a good fit for you.

+ Fill out a Community Group info. request here

+ Available Community Groups

+ Weekly Community Group Questions posted here.