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Sunday Worship: 10:30a

Community Group Questions | John 3:22-36 | 10.20.2024

2024.09 Seeing Jesus 1920x1080
  1. What were John's disciples arguring about? What is at the heart of their confusion?
  2. How does John answer his disciples?
  3. John gives us lesson in Christology in John 3:31-36. What do we learn about Jesus in these verses?
  4. What are some of the results of "Jesus being greater" in our lives? What sorts of things compete with his greatness in our hearts?
  5. John says in 3:36, "Whoever belives in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on them." How does being "born again" (see John 3:5) enable us to see the light of Christ and believe that his greatness is not only good, but it is also best for us?
  6. Discuss what it means to reject the Son in our lives (both for followers of Christ and those who do not belive).