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Sunday Worship: 10:30a

Community Group Questions | John 2:13-25 | 10.06.2024

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  1. Read John 2:13-25. Take a few moments and discuss your initial impressions.
  2. Think about a time you have been angry. What is the reason or reasons you are angry? Would you say those answers could be defined as either love for God or love for others? Whatever Jesus is doing here, it is driven by both of those "loves".
  3. Jesus turns the tables over in the temple courts to the religious. This is not what we often think of when we think of gentle Jesus, talking about peace, healing and feeding the thousands. Is Jesus "God-enough" for you to not limit your understanding of him to simply your expectations? When we don't understand why he is doing what he is doing, how can we still have faith in him?
  4. We read that Jesus in the outer courts. We also read in John 2:16 that he addresses those who sold pidgeons? What is the significance of this? What does this mean for us? Who does Jesus have "zeal" for?
  5. Read John 2:11 and then read John 2:23. When you think about both the banquet and the temple scene, what is similar about these two events?
  6. What does it mean for us to "see the glory of God" in our own lives? Do we believe he is zealous for us, for outsiders, for the world?