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Sunday Worship: 10:30a

Community Group Questions | John 1:35-51 | 9.22.2024

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  1. Who are the 5 disciples Jesus calls in this text? How many times do you count the idea of seeing, finding, or being found?
  2. Consider the different stories of the disciples either pointing to Jesus or bringing people to him. What were the attitudes of those being brought? What was Jesus' response to them?
  3. Are there people in your life who need to "see Jesus"? What are ways we can invite them to "come and see"? Now, read this quote from Francis of Assissi, "Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words." What does this phrase mean and how is it helpful for us as we pray and hope for people to come and see Jesus?
  4. What are things people "follow" in this world? Jesus invites us to follow him or be his disciple. What will be the result if we choose to follow him? (Read John 20:30-31).
  5. I would encourage you to think about people in your life that you would like to come and see Jesus. Will you pray for them this week? May the Lord use his Spirit to bring to mind what we have read and meditated on this week to enable us to be a people who "preach the gospel at all times and who use words when necessary."
  6. Lastly, do you speak the gospel to yourself enough? What are ways we can "preach the gospel" to ourselves daily?