Holy Week: Good Friday through Easter Sunday

One of my favorite authors to read on the church calendar is Robbert Webber. Read this excerpt from his book Ancient-Future Time:
The season of Lent officially ends on the Thursday evening of Holy Week. Thursday evening begins what the ancient church called the Triduum, or the three great days. These are the days in which we mark the final events of Jesus’ life.
On Thursday night Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, washed the feet of his disciples, spoke the new commandment of love, and was arrested. The service that remembers this event is called Maundy (new) Thursday. Friday is the day on which Christ was crucified. Today his death is remembered with a number of services such as the Seven Last Words and the Veneration of the Cross. On Saturday during the day, the Lord’s body rests in repose. The three great days end with the Great Paschal Vigil, a Saturday night service of fire, Scripture readings, baptism, and the resurrection Eucharist.
Lent and the three great days are over. Christ is risen. Alleluia! While Lent is the journey into the most significant event of human history, the three great days are a life-changing experience of God’s saving work in history. For Christians there is no time throughout the entire Christian year that is more crucial than the three great days. These are days to be set aside to enter into a worship that is the source of our entire spirituality, a moment in time that defines all time for Christians, a moment in time that is the very sum and substance of our spirituality for every season, every week, every Sunday, and every moment of every day.
Webber, Robert E.. Ancient-Future Time (Ancient-Future) . Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
As we prepare for Easter, we remember Christ's sacrifice for us on the cross and the certain future of our own resurrection through him.
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