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Sunday Worship: 10:30a

Why church?

Grace Presbyterian Church exists because God has a message for everyone. Over and over again, the Scriptures reveal to us how incredible God's love is and that his desire is to bring hope and renewal to every child, woman, and man.

One of the ways God shows us this love is in his expression of hospitality. Ultimately, God sends his Son Jesus to make his love known to us. God doesn't wait for us to come to him, he pursues us and wins our hearts. That has always been his way.

The church is meant to be a visible expression of the kinds of things God wants people in the Woodlands and surrounding area to embrace and experience. Like all people, the church is made up of normal folks with stories, histories, and the stuff of life. Christians aren't perfect, but Jesus gives us a message that leads us toward grace and peace between us and one another. We want to see that vision God has for us more clearly lived out here in the Woodlands.

So why church? Because God welcomes you and wants you to experience a community seeking to be shaped by the message of Jesus Christ in the Woodlands. Our prayer is that everyone who is part of Grace experiences the love of God in a profound way through the message of the gospel.

We have lots of different ways for you to learn about Christ and grow spiritually. You can learn more about Grace Presbyterian Church and what it means to join us by watching our Intro to Grace class. Feel free to browse our website and let us know if you have any questions about Grace Presbyterian Church in the Woodlands.

Grace Presbyterian Church of the Woodlands is part of Mission to North America in the Presbyterian Church in America.